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The VIII Seminar on Development and Policy is Coming Soon

The Department of Economics (DEE) and the Master Program in Economics of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) are glad to announce its VIII Seminar on Development and Policy. In 2020 the general theme is “Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development”. The event aims to promote a broad debate about innovation and its role on central aspects of the regional economic development nowadays, such as structural change, economic complexity, deindustrialization, economic dependence, regional policies, and the role of universities and innovation environments (clusters, incubators and technological parks).

Also, in partnership with the YSI Urban and Regional Economics Working Group, the Seminar will contain the Young Scholars’ Workshop on “Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development”. The general purpose of the event is to discuss Knowledge-Based Regional Policies focused on structural change and local economic development in Latin American context. Thus, the workshop aims to bring high quality young scholars to present their research on Economics of Innovation and Regional Development, Geography of Innovation or Regional Innovation Systems.

Due to the Pandemics, the in-person activity was cancelled, and the workshop will be held as an online event.



Opening Session

  • Keynote Speech 1 “Rethinking the Role of Universities in Regional Development” with Prof. Clelio Campolina Diniz (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)

09:30 (Brazil Time)| 08:30 (Eastern Time) | 12:30 (Western Time)

  • Round Table 1 “Science, Technology and Regional Policies” with Prof. Renato Garcia (UNICAMP) and Prof. Lia Hasenclever (UCAM and UFRJ)

10:30 (Brazil Time)| 09:30 (Eastern Time) | 13:30 (Western Time)

  • Young Scholars’ Workshop (YSI/INET)

14:00 (Brazil Time)| 13:00 (Eastern Time) | 17:00 (Western Time)


  • Keynote Speech 2 “Economic Complexity and Inequality in National and Local Level” with Prof. Dominik Hartmann (UFSC)

09:00 (Brazil Time)| 08:00 (Eastern Time) | 12:00 (Western Time)

  • Young Scholars’ Workshop (YSI/INET)

10:30 (Brazil Time)| 09:30 (Eastern Time) | 13:30 (Western Time)

  • Young Scholars’ Workshop (YSI/INET)

14:00 (Brazil Time)| 13:00 (Eastern Time) | 17:00 (Western Time)

  • Round Table 2 “Innovation Environments and Local Development: Clusters, Incubators and Technological Parks” with Prof. Adriana Ferreira de Faria (UFV and CENTEV) and Prof. Marco Crocco (CEDEPLAR/UFMG and BHTEC)

18:00 (Brazil Time)| 17:00(Eastern Time) | 21:00 (Western Time)


Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Departamento de Economia – DEE
Secretaria de Pós-Graduação – (31) 3612-7054
Campus Universitário, s/n
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG.

Mapa Tridimensional da UFV

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados

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